see where YOU ARE.
understand where you're from.
look where you're going.

 The 4D Lens is committed to unveiling the profound depths and untapped potential within human values and capacities while helping secure fulfillment.


who are you?

Clear insight for the moment to develop identity and community perspective.

How did you get here?

Evaluate your journey and reflect on what brought you to this moment.

Where are you going?

New perspective helps you organize and optimize a better future.


What is the Core Values Index?

The Core Values IndexTM (CVI) is the most accurate assessment tool available with a 97.7% repeatability score (compared to 72% and 74% for the DISC and Meyers Briggs). It measures an individual’s inherent values and is not a personality test. It is the fastest and most reliable way to learn who people are at the core of their being and how that applies to personal, team, and organization dynamics.

We go where people are and people are everywhere